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Promote a New Culture of Children

More than 25 years after its approval, the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, has favored important advances in the collective perception and in the social imagination of this group. However, not always when talking about childhood refers to a coherent conception with a comprehensive, constructive vision that restores the rights of children and adolescents.


Children are often valued for “what they can become” and children and adolescents have been positioned as “waiting for the future”. According to Lourdes Gaitán (1998), NNAS, as a social group, can not only act, but actually interact with other social groups, modifying, building and contributing to the changes that occur in society. A certain vision of childhood should be coming to an end: the culmination of a triple process of institutionalization, individualization and individuation of boys and girls gives way to subjects that are increasingly responsible to themselves and to society, who establish multiple negotiations in their approach and at the same time distancing themselves from the adult world, from which they differ in an increasingly complex way.

Strengthen the rights approach and protagonist participation

The protagonism of childhood does not deny the need for protection of a necessarily vulnerable social group, but rather affirms that the best way to protect them is by promoting and guaranteeing their right to be the 'main actors of their existence, both in the individual sense and collective (Alejandro Cuccianovich, 2002). The child not only has the ability to act, but also has to have the structural and legal possibilities, in order to be a recognized interlocutor, with the ability to influence adults and society.

The Paradigm of the Promotion of Childhood Protagonism emphasizes the right of

each person to be an “actor in his own life”. It is not just a conceptual proposal,


Increase political advocacy and participation

Advocacy on childhood issues poses very demanding challenges, since it should also be able to mobilize those actors (family, educators, childhood professionals, society as a whole), who, including the State, are the “guarantors” responsible for the protection of children, and therefore, they should be aware of what this responsibility entails, and assume its consequences.

The Fundación Crecando Unidos understands advocacy as the actions (organized and intentional) to generate changes that show the real experience of a New Culture of Children. The Foundation recognizes that these

Promote gender equality

Building a just society involves integrating and promoting equitable gender and generational relationships that are based on the full enjoyment of human rights, respect for diversity and sexual orientation, solidarity and shared responsibility. When working on gender equality, other inequalities are also impacted such as the sexual division of labor, private property, political participation, the use of public space, decision-making, among others.


We believe in social justice and equity

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